The Four Redes

To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent

I have this saying along with the four elements inscribed into a copper disk on my altar which the chalice sits upon, or sometimes I lean it against the wall behind. Each different one symbolizes something different. A different aspect of Wicca, a different way of looking at things — a lesson to learn.

I will begin with To Will

(from The Way of the Goddess)

To Will

In its lesser form, the Will of a correctly trained Priestess or Priest should be capable of directing their lives to their satisfaction and likewise for their higher benefit and that of evolution. In its greater form, the Will should be capable, in rare circumstances, of directing the course of events beyond themselves — eg., environmental destruction (man-made) or in cases of threat, either personal or planetary. In all cases the energy raised is for defense, rather than attack. No magical tool of a material nature can be charged without the power of the disciplined Will; no circle can be cast, neither can it defend the individual; no elements can be invoked and the Gods, most definitely, remain only the figment of myth.

The list is seemingly endless. Therefore, although initiation may be considered acceptable prior to the development within this work, it is your personal and imperative responsibility to attend to the discipline of your own Will and to consider it as foremost in your self-training.

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