Making a Traditional Besom


  • A four-foot length of ash or oak for the handle (or you can substitute any wood you prefer)
  • Thin branches of birch for the bristle part (you can substitute any woody herb such as lavender, mugwort, rosemary or thyme for the bristles if you like)
  • Lengths of willow (if you want to be more traditional) or heavy cord (for binding material)
  • Scissors
  • Bucket of warm water

Whatever you'll be using for the bristles, should be soaked in warm water overnight to make it pliable, as should the willow binding (if you have chosen to use that over cord)

Lay the handle on a table or the floor, and place the bristles alongside it, lined up about four inches from the bottom. Point the bottom of the bristles towards the top of the broom, (you're going to flip the bristles over).

Use the willow branches (or cord) to wrap the bristles around the broom. (Add as many bristles as you want to make the broom appear full).

Tie the cording off securely so your bristles don't come out during it's use later.

The next step is to take the bristles and fold them down over the willow binding (or cording) so that they point towards what will be the bottom of the broom.

Tie the bristles again at the base of the broomstick to secure them. As you wrap the cord in place, visualize your intention for this besom. (Will it be decorative only? Is it going to hung it in place over a doorway? Are you going to use it ceremonially or maybe for physically cleaning your temple?) Focus on what you're going to be doing it, and charge it with that particular energy.

Once you have completed this step, leave your broom in a warm dry place to dry out for a day or two.

When the broom is completely dried, consecrate it and put it to it's purpose.

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