Dream Bibliography

Appreciation is extended to Kathy Seward of the University of New England, in Biddefored, Maine for providing this information.

Allen R. Michael: "Attenuation of Drug-Induced Anxiety Dreams and Pavor Nocturnus by Benzodiazepines” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1983 March, Vol. 44 (3), pages 106-108

Anon; An Apparently Precognitive Dream 1969, December, Vol. 45 (742), pages 170-171

R. Arena, L. Murri, P. Piccini, A. Muratorio: "Dream Recall and Memory in Brain Lesioned Patients” Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavior1984 Vol. 9 (1), pages 31-42

Robert Atwan: "Ivory and Horn: Dreams and Bilaterality in the Ancient World” Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavior 1984 Vol. 9 (1), pages 177-189

Anthony F. Badalamenti: "Time in the Dream” Journal of Religion & Health 1983 Winter Vol. 22 (4), pages 334-339

John Beloff: "A Note on an Ostensibly Precognitive Dream” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1973 December Vol. 47 (758), pages 217-221

Hans Bender: "The Gotenhafen Case of Correspondence Between Dreams and Future Events: A Study of Motivation” International Journal of Neuropsychiatry pages 398-407

M. Bertini, Cristiano Violani: "Cerebral Hemispheres, REM Sleep, and Dream Recall” Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavior 1984 Vol. 9 (1), pages 3-14

Susan J. Blackmore: "Out-of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams, and Imagery: Two Surveys” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1982 October Vol. 76 (4), pages 301-317

Susan J. Blackmore: "Have You Ever Had an OBE? The Wording of the Question” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1982 June Vol. 51 (791), pages 292-302

Mark J. Blechner: "Changes in the Dreams of Borderline Patients” Contemporary Psychoanalysis 1983 July Vol. 19 (3), pages 485-498

Kenneth A. Blick, Joan B. Howe: "Comparison of the Emotional Content of Dreams Recalled by Young and Elderly Women” Journal of Psychology 1984 January Vol. 116 (1), pages 143-146

Linda W. Brakel: "The Fate of the Dream After Awakening: Stages Toward Analytic Understanding” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 1984 March Vol. 5 (1-2), pages 97-108

Lucian A. Buck, Margaret B. Geers: "Varieties of Consciousness: I. Intercorrelations” Journal of Clinical Psychology 1967, 23 (2), pages 151-152

Paul J. Carpinter, Bryant J. Cratty: "Mental Activity, Dreams and Performance in Team Sport Athletes” International Journal of Sport Psychology 1983 Vol. 14 (3), pages 186-197

Rosalind D. Cartwright, Stephen Lloyd, Sara Knight: "Broken Dreams: A Study of the Effects of Divorce and Depression on Dream Content” Psychiatry 1984 August Vol. 47 (3), pages 251-259

Corrado Cavallero, Piercarla Cicogna: "Comparing Reports of the Same Dream: Proposals for a Structural” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1983 October Vol. 57 (2), pages 339-356

Zach Z. Cernovsky: "Dream Recall and Attitude Toward Dreams” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1984 June Vol. 58 (3), pages 911-914

Piercarla Cicogna: "Restructuring Dream-Recall” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1983 October Vol. 57 (2), pages 629-630

Sheila A. Clyne-Jackson: "Defensiveness in Dream Recall in Response to a Provocative Day Residue” Dissertation Abstracts International 1983 September Vol. 44 (3-B), pages 906

A. Estin Comarr, Jeffery M. Cressy, Michael Letch: "Sleep Dreams of Sex Among Traumatic Paraplegics and Quadriplegics” Sexuality & Disability 1983 Spring Vol. 6 (1), pages 25-29

Frederick L. Coolidge, Duane D. Bracken: "The Loss of Teeth in Dreams: An Empirical Investigation” Psychological Reports 1984 June Vol. 54 (3), pages 931-935

Frederick L. Coolidge, Cynthia E. Fish: "Dreams of the Dying” Omega: Journal of Death & Dying 1983-84 Vol. 14 (1), pages 1-8

Edward Covello: "Lucid Dreaming: A Review and Experiential Study of Waking Intrusions During Stage REM Sleep” Journal of Mind & Behavior 1984 Winter Vol. 5 (1), pages 81-98

Francis Crick, Graeme Mitchison: "The Function of Dream Sleep” Nature 1983 July Vol. 304 (5922), pages 111-114

George Devereux: "Pathogenic Dreams in Non-Western Societies” In G. E. Von Grunebaum and R. Caillois (eds.), The Dream and Human Society pages 213-228

Victoria J. Dimidjian: "Seeing Me, Being Me, Becoming the Me I Want to be: The Import of the Dream in Identity Formation During Women’s Early Adult Years” Women & Therapy 1983 Winter Vol. 2 (4), pages 33-48

George Domino: "Attitudes Towards Dreams, Sex Differences and Creativity” Journal of Creative Behavior 1982 Vol. 16 (2), pages 112-122

Marie C. Doyle: "Enhancing Dream Pleasure with Senoi Strategy” Journal of Clinical Psychology 1984 March Vol. 40 (2), pages 467-474

Martin Ebon: "Parapsychological Dream Studies” In G. E. Von Grunebaum and R. Caillois (eds.), The Dream and Human Society (See 43:10), pages 163-177

Burr Eichelman; Hypnotic Change in Combat Dreams of Two Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 1985 January Vol. 142 (1), pages 112-114

Michael Eigen: "On Time and Dreams” Psychoanalytic Review 1983 Summer Vol. 70 (2), pages 211-220

Jule Eisenbud: "Chronologically Extraordinary Psi Correspondences in the Psychoanalytic Setting” Psychoanalytic Review 1969, 56 (1), pages 9-27

Alan S. Eiser: "A Laboratory Study of Dreaming in Endogenous Depression” Dissertation Abstracts International 1983 December Vol. 44 (6-B), page 1957

Arthur W. Epstein, Nina N. Simmons: "Aphasia with Reported Loss of Dreaming” American Journal of Psychiatry 1983 January Vol. 140 (1), pages 108-109

Arthur W. Epstein: "The Contribution of Cerebral Hemispheric Disease to the Understanding of Dream Type and Content” Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavior 1984 Vol. 9 (1), pages 15-30

Arthur W. Epstein: "The Waking Event-Dream Interval” American Journal of Psychiatry 1985 January Vol. 142 (1), pages 123-124

P. A. Faber, G. S. Saayman; R. K. Papadopoulos: "Fantasy, Its Effects Upon the Archetypal Content of Nocturnal Dreams” Journal of Analytical Psychology 1983 April Vol. 28 (2), pages 141-164

Ronald A. Farrell: "Social Psychological Factors Associated with the Dream Content of Homosexuals” International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1983 Fall Vol. 29 (3), pages 183-189

Peter Fenwick: "Lucid Dreaming: Correspondence Between Dreamed and Actual Events in One Subject During REM Sleep” Biological Psychology 1984 June Vol. 18 (4), pages 243-267

H. K. Fierz: "Analytical Psychotherapy and Dream, Resistance and Wholeness” Analytische Psychologie 1976 Vol. 7 (4), pages 275-285

Lawrence G. Fischman: "Dreams, Hallucinogenic Drug States, and Schizophrenia: A Psychological and Biological Comparison” Schizophrenia Bulletin 1983 Vol. 9 (1), pages 73-94

Harry Fiss: "Toward a Clinically Relevant Experimental Psychology of Dreaming” Hillside Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1983 Vol. 5 (2), pages 147-159

James L. Fosshage: "The Psychological Function of Dreams: A Revised Psychoanalytic Perspective” Psychoanalysis & Contemporary Thought 1983 Vol. 6 (4), pages 641-669

David Foulkes: "Long-Distance, 'Sensory-Bombardment' ESP in Dreams: A Failure to Replicate” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1972 December Vol. 35 (3) 731-734

David Foulkes. Marcella Schmidt: "Temporal Sequence and Unit Composition in Dream Reports from Different Stages of Sleep” Sleep 1983 September Vol. 6 (3) 265-280

Kathryn A. Furst: "Origins and Evolution of Women’s Dreams in Early Adulthood” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 January Vol. 44 (7-B), pages 2242-2243

Jayne Gackenbach, Barbara Schillig: "Lucid Dreams: The Content of Conscious Awareness of Dreaming During the Dream” Journal of Mental Imagery 1983 Fall Vol. 7 (2), pages 1-13

Harry Gersham: "Current Application of Horney Theory to Dream Interpretation” American Journal of Psychoanalysis 1983 Fall Vol. 43 (3), pages 219-229

G. Globus, P. Knapp, J. Skinner: "An Appraisal of Telepathic Communication in Dreams” Psychophysiology 1968, 4 (3), page 365

Dan Gollub: "Dream Interpretation” Psychology: A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior 1983 Vol. 20 (2), pages 30-33

Richard P. Gunter: "Religious Dreaming: A Viewpoint” American Journal of Psychotherapy 1983 July Vol. 37 (3), pages 411-427

Calvin S. Hall: "‘A Ubiquitous Sex Difference in Dreams’ Revisited” Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 1984 May Vol. 46 (5), pages 1109-1117

James A. Hall: "Toward a Psycho-Structural Theory: Hypnosis and the Structure of Dreams” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1984 January Vol. 26 (3), pages 159-165

James A. Hall: "Dreams and Transference/Countertransference: The Transformative Field” Chiron 1984, pages 31-51

Erlendur Haraldsson: "Some Determinants of Belief in Psychical Phenomena” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1981 October Vol. 75 (4), pages 297-309

Frank R. Hartman: "A Reappraisal of the Emma Episode and the Specimen Dream” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1983 Vol. 31 (3), pages 555-585

Arthur C. Hastings: "Dreams of Future Events: Precognitions and Perspectives” Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry & Medicine 1977 Vol. 24 (2), pages 51-60

Keith M. Hearne: "Three Cases of Ostensible Precognition from a Single Percipient: 1 Sadat Assassination; 2 Reagan Assassination Attempt; 3 S.S. Achille Lauro Incident” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1982 June Vol. 51 (791), pages 288-291

Keith M. Hearne: "An Automated Technique for Studying Psi in Home ‘Lucid’ Dreams” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1982 June Vol. 51 (791), pages 303-304

Keith M. Hearne: "An Ostensible Precognition of the Accidental Sinking of H.M” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1982 June Vol. 51 (791), pages 283-287

Keith M. Hearne: "‘Lucid’ Dreams and ESP: An Initial Experiment Using One Subject” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1981 February Vol. 51 (787), pages 7-11

Keith M. Hearne: "Lucid Dream Induction” Journal of Mental Imagery 1983 Spring Vol. 7 (1), pages 19-23

John H. Herman: "Evidence for a Directional Correspondence Between Eye Movements and Dream Imagery in REM Sleep” Sleep 1984 March Vol. 7 (1), pages 52-63

Philip Himelstein: "Dream Symbol or Dream Process?” Psychology: A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior 1984 Vol. 21 (1), pages 9-11

Valerie Hone: "Dreams as Preparation for Death: A Study of the Manifest and Latent Dying Cancer Patients” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 May Vol. 44 (11-B), page 3528

Charles Honorton: "Significant Factors in Hypnotically-Induced Clairvoyant Dreams” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1972 January Vol. 66 (1), pages 86-102

Charles Honorton, John P. Stump: "A Preliminary Study of Hypnotically-Induced Clairvoyant Dreams” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1969, 63 (2), pages 175-184

Charles Honorton: "Reported Frequency of Dream Recall and ESP” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1972 October Vol. 66 (4), pages 369-374

Joan B. Howe, Kenneth A. Blick: "Emotional Content of Dreams Recalled by Elderly Women” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1983 February Vol. 56 (1), pages 31-34

Paul T. Ingmundson: "Dreaming, REM Sleep, and Memory” Dissertation Abstracts International 1985 January Vol. 45 (7-B), pages 2342

M. P. Jackson: "Suggestions for a Controlled Experiment to Test Precognition in Dreams” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1967, 61 (4), pages 346-353

Marcia K. Johnson, Tracey L. Kahan, Carol L. Raye: "Dreams and Reality Monitoring” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1984 September Vol. 113 (3), pages 329-344

Elaine M. Kauvar: "Blake’s Interpretation of Dreams: ‘Mental Forms Creating’” American Imago 1984 Spring Vol. 41 (1), pages 19-45

Donald D. Kirtley, Kenneth T. Sabo: "Aggression in the Dreams of Blind Women” Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 1983 June Vol. 77 (6), pages 269-270, 295

Jusuck Koh: "Design for Fantasy and Fantasy for Design: Using Fantasy and Dream for Creativity and Symbolism in Environmental Design” Edra: Environmental Design Research Association 1983 No. 14, pages 36-47

Gisela E. Kolb: "The Dream in Psychoanalytic Group Therapy” International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 1983 January Vol. 33 (1), pages 41-52

M. Koukkou, D. Lehmann: "Dreaming: The Functional State-Shift Hypothesis: A Neuropsychophysiological Model” British Journal of Psychiatry 1983 March Vol. 142, pages 221-231

Milton Kramer, Lois Kinney, Martin Scharf: "Experiences in Dreams” Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa 1983 March Vol. 8 (1), pages 1-4

S. Krippner: "A Long-Distance ‘Sensory Bombardment’ Study of Extrasensory Perception in Dreams” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1971, October Vol. 65 (4), pages 468-475

S. Krippner: "Investigations of ‘Extrasensory’ Phenomena in Dreams and Other Altered States of Consciousness” Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry & Medicine 1969, 16 (1), pages 7-14

S. Krippner, M. Ullman, C. Honorton: "A Precognitive Dream Study with a Single Subject” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1971 April Vol. 65 (2), pages 192-203

Stanley Krippner, Montague Ullman: "Telepathy and Dreams: A Controlled Experiment with Electroencephalogram-Electro-Oculogram Monitoring” Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 1970, DEC, Vol. 151 (6), pages 394-403

Stanley Krippner: "Normal Dream and Man’s Pliable Future” Psychoanalytic Review 1969, 56 (1), pages 28-43

Stanley Krippner: "Electrophysiological Studies of ESP in Dreams: Sex Differences in Seventy-Four Telepathy Sessions” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1970, July Vol. 64 (3), pages 277-285

Stanley Krippner, Charles Honorton, Montague Ullman: "A Second Precognitive Dream Study with Malcolm Bessent” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1972 July Vol. 66 (3), pages 269-279

Stanley Krippner, Montague Ullman: "Telepathic Perception in the Dream State: Confirmatory Study Using EEG-EOG Monitoring Techniques” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1969, December Vol. 29 (3), pages 915-918

Stanley Krippner: "Dreams and Other Altered Conscious States” Journal of Communication 1975 Winter Vol. 25 (1), pages 173-182

Stanley Krippner: "Dreams and Other Altered Conscious States” Parapsychological Journal of South Africa 1981 December Vol. 2 (2), pages 18-34

Ranga R. Krishnan, Michael R. Volow, Jesse O. Cavenar, Patricia P. Miller: "Dreams of Flying in Narcoleptic Patients” So Psychosomatics 1984 May Vol. 25 (5), pages 423-425

Adam Kuper: "The Structure of Dream Sequences” Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 1983 June Vol. 7 (2), pages 153-175

Kenneth Lambert: "Reflections on a Critique of Hillman’s Approach to the Dream by WA. Shelburne” Journal of Analytical Psychology 1984 January Vol. 29 (1), pages 57-66

Rudie J. Lang, Kieron P. O’Connor: "Personality, Dream Content and Dream Coping Style” Personality & Individual Differences 1984 Vol. 5 (2), pages 211-219

Alan Leboeuf, Patricia McKay, Keith Clarke: "Lateral Eye Movements and Dream Recall in Males: A Re-Appraisal” Cognition & Personality 1983-84 Vol. 3 (1), pages 61-68

Herbert Lehmann: "Freud’s Dream of February 1918” International Review of Psycho-Analysis 1983 Vol. 10 (1), pages 87-93

Harold Levitan: "Dreams Which Culminate in Migraine Headaches” Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 1984 July Vol. 41 (4), pages 161-166

Isaac Lewin: "The Psychological Theory of Dreams in the Bible” Journal of Psychology & Judaism 1983 Spring-Summer Vol. 7 (2), pages 73-88

Zvi Lothane: "Reality, Dream, and Trauma” Contemporary Psychoanalysis 1983 July Vol. 19 (3), pages 423-443

Vincent J. Lynch: "Working with Dreams: A Collaboration Between Therapist and Patient” Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 1983 January-March Vol. 21 (1), pages 21-25

Cheryl A. Malakoff: "Dream Recall as a Function of Self Concept and Personal Values” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 September Vol. 45 (3-B), page 1021

Francis J. Manley: "The Effect of Intentional Dreaming on Depression” Dissertation Abstracts International 1983 June Vol. 43 (12-B), page 4154

Jay Martin: "Three Stages of Dreaming: A Clinical Study of Henry Miller’s Dream Book” Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis 1984 April Vol. 12 (2), pages 233-251.

Raymond F. Martinetti: "Dream Recall, Imaginal Processes and Short-Term Memory: A Pilot Study” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1983 December Vol. 57 (3, part 1), page 718

Patricia L. Maykuth: "Individual Development in Dreams: A Longitudinal Study of 3-to8-Year Olds” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 December Vol. 45 (6-B), pages 1941-1942

Margaret A. Melstrom. Rosalind D. Cartwright: "Effects of Successful vs. Unsuccessful Psychotherapy Outcome on Some Dream Dimensions” Psychiatry 1983 February Vol. 46 (1), pages 51-65

V. A. Mezentsev: "Are There Miracles in Nature?” Moscow, USSR: Moskovskii2 Rabochii2 1967, page 240

Michele Montrelay: "On Folding and Unfolding: An Example of Dream Interpretation in Analysis” Psychoanalytic Inquiry 1984 Vol. 4 (2), pages 193-219

Luigi Murri: "Dream Recall in Patients with Focal Cerebral Lesions” Archives of Neurology 1984 February Vol. 41 (2), pages 183-185

Robert K. Myers: "The Relationship Between Dreams and Dreamers in Modern Psychological Literature” Dissertation Abstracts International 1985 January Vol. 45 (7-B), page 2316

Wayne A. Myers: "An Athletic Example of the Typical Examination Dream” Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1983 October Vol. 52 (4) 594-598

R. S. Narotra: "A Study of Dream Analysis” Asian Journal of Psychology & Education 1983 Vol. 11 (2), pages 14-18

Zbigniew Paleski: "Psychological Mechanisms of Belief in ‘Prophetic’ Dreams” Psychologia Wychowawcza 1970, September, Vol. 13 (4), pages 523-527

Stanley R. Palombo: "The Genius of the Dream” American Journal of Psychoanalysis 1983 Winter Vol. 43 (4), pages 301-313

Stanley R. Palombo: "The Poet as Dreamer” Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis 1984 January Vol. 12 (1), pages 59-73

Stanley R. Palombo: "Recovery of Early Memories Associated with Reported Dream Imagery” American Journal of Psychiatry 1984 December Vol. 141 (12), pages 1508-1511

Stanley R. Palombo: "Deconstructing the Manifest Dream” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1984 Vol. 32 (2), pages 405-420

A. Parker, J. Beloff: "Hypnotically-Induced Clairvoyant Dreams: A Partial Replication and Attempted Confirmation” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1970, October Vol. 64 (4), pages 432-442

Frank Patalano: "Color in Dreams and the Psychoanalytic Situation” American Journal of Psychoanalysis 1984 Summer Vol. 44 (2), pages 183-190

Richard A. Perlmutter, Raymond Babineau: "The Use of Dreams in Couples Therapy” Psychiatry 1983 February Vol. 46 (1), pages 66-72

Etienne A. Perold: "On Explanation in Psychoanalysis and the Dream” Dissertation Abstracts International 1983 November Vol. 44 (5-B), pages 1603-1604

Larry G. Peters: "The Role of Dreams in the Life of a Mentally Retarded Individual” Ethos

Josephine S. Pottinger: "The Effect of Posthypnotic Suggestion on Dream Recall” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 January Vol. 44 (7-B), page 2257

John L. Randall: "Card-Guessing Experiments with Schoolboys” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1974 September Vol. 47 (761), pages 421-432

Owen Renik: "The Clinical Use of the Manifest Dream” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1984 Vol. 32 (1), pages 157-162

Paul R. Robbins, Farzaneh Houshi: "Some Observations on Recurrent Dreams” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 1983 May Vol. 47 (3), pages 262-265

Kay N. Ruiz: "An Experiment Using an Imaging Method Based on Senoi-Dreamwork with Rheumatoid Arthritics” Dissertation Abstracts International 1983 July Vol. 44 (1-B), page 324

Kenneth T. Sabo: "Emotions in the Dreamlife of Paraplegics: A Quantitative Approach” Dissertation Abstracts International 1983 April Vol. 43 (10-B), pages 3374-3375

Nolan Saltzman: "Eliciting Emotions of Dreams and Memory Fragments in Bio Psychotherapy” International Journal of Eclectic Psychotherapy 1984 September Vol. 3 (1), pages 1-6

Carl L. Sargent, Trevor A. Harley: "Three Studies Using a Psi-Predictive Trait Variable Questionnaire” Journal of Parapsychology 1981 September Vol. 45 (3), pages 199-214

Larry Sargent: "Dreams in the Nuclear Age” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1984 Summer Vol. 24 (3), pages 142-156

M. Bruce Sarlin: "The Use of Dreams in Psychotherapy with Deaf Patients” Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis 1984 January Vol. 12 (1), pages 75-88

S. A. Schapiro: "A Classification Scheme for Out-of-Body Phenomena” Journal of Altered States of Consciousness 975-76 Vol. 2 (3), pages 259-265

Thomas Schroer: "Archetypal Dreams During the First Pregnancy” Psychological Perspectives 1984 Spring Vol. 15 (1), pages 71-80

Schuhl: "Societe Moreau de Tours: Is the Problem of Sorcerers One That is Purely Psychopathological?” Annales Medico-Psychologiques 1968, 2 (4), page 592

Philip H. Sechzer: "Dreams with Low-Dose Ketamine in Obstetrical Patients” Current Therapeutic Research 1984 March Vol. 35 (3), pages 396-404

W. A. Shelburne: "A Critique of James Hillman’s Approach to the Dream” Journal of Analytical Psychology 1984 January Vol. 29 (1), pages 35-56

Roger N. Shepard: "Ecological Constraints on Internal Representation: Resonant Kinematics of Perceiving, Imagining, Thinking, and Dreaming” Psychological Review 1984 October Vol. 91 (4), pages 417-447

Ronald D. Siegel: "A Comparison of Freud’s and Jung’s Approaches to Dream Interpretation” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 July Vol. 45 (1-B), page 366

Austin Silber: "A Significant ‘Dream within a Dream’” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1983 Vol. 31 (4), pages 899-915

Harry Slochower: "Freud’s Deja Vu on the Acropolis: A Symbolic Relic of ‘Mater Nuda’” Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1970, 39 (1), pages 90-102

Robert C. Smith: "A Possible Biologic Role of Dreaming” Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 1984 July Vol. 41 (4), pages 167-176

Gregory S. Sparrow: "An Exploration into the Induction of Greater Reflectiveness and ‘Lucidity’ in Nocturnal Dream Reports” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 September Vol. 45 (3-B), page 1050

Moshe H. Spero: "A Psychotherapist’s Reflections on a Countertransference Dream” American Journal of Psychoanalysis 1984 Summer Vol. 44 (2), pages 191-196

Martin H. Stein: "Rational Versus Anagogic Interpretation: Xenophon’s Dream and Others” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1984 Vol. 32 (3), pages 529-556

Derek A. Stern, Graham S. Saayman, Stephen W. Touyz: "The Effect of an Experimentally Induced Demand on Nocturnal Dream Content” Journal of Mental Imagery 1983 Fall Vol. 7 (2), pages 15-31

Charles T. Tart, James Fadiman: "The Case of the Yellow Wheat Field: A Dream-State Explanation of a Broadcast Telepathic Dream” Psychoanalytic Review 1974-1975 Winter Vol. 61 (4), pages 607-618

Charles T. Tart: "The Control of Nocturnal Dreaming by Means of Posthypnotic Suggestion” International Journal of Parapsychology 1967, 9 (3), pages 184-189

Susan E. Thackrey: "The Tropics of the Dream: A Comparative Analysis of Classical Dream Theory in the Light of the Structuralist Approach” Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 May Vol. 44 (11-B), page 3512

Michael A. Thalbourne: "Some Correlates of Belief in Psychical Phenomena: A Partial Replication of the Haraldsson Findings” Parapsychology Review 1984 March-April Vol. 15 (2), pages 13-15

Paul Tholey: "Relation Between Dream Content and Eye Movements Tested by Lucid Dreams” Perceptual & Motor Skills 1983 June Vol. 56 (3), pages 875-878

Paul Tholey; Techniques for Inducing and Manipulating Lucid Dreams 1983 August Vol. 57 (1), pages 79-90

Jon Tolaas: "Dreaming: A PSI Modality?” Psychoenergetic Systems 1976 July Vol. 1 (4), pages 185-195

Irene Trenholme, Rosalind Cartwright, Glen Greenberg: "Dream Dimension Differences During a Life Change” Psychiatry Research 1984 May Vol. 12 (1), pages 35-45

Paul D. Tyson, Robert D. Ogilvie, Harry T. Hunt: "Lucid, Prelucid, and Nonlucid Dreams Related to the Amount of EEG Alpha Activity During REM Sleep” Psychophysiology 1984 July Vol. 21 (4), pages 442-451

M. Ullman, S. Krippner, C. Honorton: "A Confirmatory Study of the Telepathic Dream with EEG-REM Monitoring” Psychophysics 1968, 5 (2), page 218

Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner, Sol Feldstein: "Experimentally-Induced Telepathic Dreams: Two Studies Using EEG-REM Monitoring Technique” International Journal of Neuropsychiatry 1966, 2 (5), pages 420-437

Montague Ullman: "Ti Rapid Eye Movement Dream-Monitoring Techniques in Current ESP Research” Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 1967, 30 (2), pages 265-270

Montague Ullman: "PSI Communication Through Dream Sharing” Parapsychology Review 1981 March-April Vol. 12 (2), pages 1-8

Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner: "ESP in the Night” Psy 1970, June Vol. 4 (1), pages 46-50, 72

Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner: "An Experimental Approach to Dreams and Telepathy: II. Report of Three Studies” American Journal of Psychiatry 1970, 126 (9), pages 1282-1289

Montague Ullman: "Telepathy and Dreams” Experimental Medicine & Surgery 1969, Vol. 27 (1-2), pages 19-38

Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner: "A Laboratory Approach to the Nocturnal Dimension of Paranormal Experience: Report of a Confirmatory Study Using the REM Monitoring Technique” Biological Psychiatry 1969, July Vol. 1 (3), pages 259-270

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