Basics of Wicca

The Myths Surrounding Wicca

I. Wiccans are Satanists
Satanism is an entirely different religion from Wicca. To answer based on the common misconception of Satanism: Wiccans do not believe in a devil or source of evil. Even if they did, what good would come out of worshiping one? Wiccans believe in personal responsibility. They don't need an entity to point a finger at.

II. Wiccans practice dark magick
Magick isn't dark/black/bad or light/white/good. That is, unless you look at electricity as so. Sometimes dark/black/bad is used to describe negative magick, and light/white/good to describe positive magick. Wiccans practice magick such as cleansing, banishing, healing, binding, etc. keeping the Law of Three or Law of Return in mind. Wiccans do not use magick that is unethical or that could cause harm in any way unless necessary to protect others and prevent further harm (even then, it is only after much thought and consideration and all mundane options have been exhausted).

III. Wicca is about sex and nudity
There are Wiccans and witches who enjoy sex, but the same can be said about anyone of any religion. Sex is a choice that can be made by anyone of any religion (although holy script in some religions say it is only to be used for procreation and not pleasure). Nudity is a personal choice. If one feels more comfortable in the nude, then they can perform ritual skyclad. However, if one feels uncomfortable in the nude, then they wear clothes. Working skyclad is completely up to the individual. Bottom line, Wicca is not about sex and nudity.

IV. Wiccans and witches wear black
So do non-Wiccans. Some people wear black to flatter their figures or bring out their eyes or some other feature. Others wear black just because they like it. If only Wiccans and witches wear black, does that mean that everyone at a funeral are Wiccans and/or witches? Wiccans and witches wear whatever they feel like wearing, just like anybody else. Some Witches do wear black for magickal reasons. However, this is true of other colors, as colors often have specific meanings and intentions. This would be no different than feeling a need for a "pick-me-up" and choosing to wear a bright color like red.

V. Witches fly around on brooms and eat babies
You've actually seen Wiccans and Witches do this? I suppose they sacrifice holy virgins to dark demonic figures in the night as well — I'm sorry, no, they don't. As far as the flying goes, the rumors likely started from things such as astral travel and ointments that were used that gave the feeling that one was weightless. The ointment was much like a psychedelic that caused hallucinations. As for the baby-eating, we stick to plants and animals like everyone else. Wiccans and Witches are not cannibals.

VI. Wicca is a cult out to corrupt our youth
Sadly, the same is said of every faith that has not been well established for centuries. This is most likely because the general public often does not know the detailed requirements to define a group or religious movement as a cult. Wicca does not try to convert others to the faith. Individuals come to Wicca of their own choosing and calling. Those who come to Wicca to learn and grow are encouraged to think for themselves, even if that means they come to leave or think negatively of Wicca later on. Being true to oneself and being self-empowered is more important in Wicca than melting into some homogeneous mass.

VII. Wiccans are all fat, ugly, bi-sexual, women rejects
This myth is more modern and, seemingly, started by ignorant mass-media-fed sheep. Actually, for that matter, even the mass media has turned to making average Wiccans look like Aphrodite in today's standards. Honestly, I don't know where, how, or why this myth began circulating. Wicca is not "full of" any one particular type of individual. Rather, Wicca includes and welcomes individuals from all races/ethnicity, genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds.

The Reality of Wicca

I. The Goddess and God
Wiccans believe in a male and female deity. They are the God and Goddess. They go by many different names and aspects (in The Real Witches Handbook, Kate West uses the example of a disco ball: it has many faces but is still the one ball). They are both equal and opposite. They are everything and They are nothing. The God and Goddess are balanced as nature is balanced. There are also some Wiccans who believe in the All. Much like the ancient concept of Chaos which is everything and nothing at once, the idea is that the All is a much higher concept which is nearly impossible for the human mind to fathom, and so it is broken down into the Goddess and God. The concept of the All ties in with other beliefs, such as "All Gods are one God."

II. Respect for Nature
Wiccans try not to take more from nature than they need to, and try to heal her if the need arises. The best way to start is by recycling and conserving water. Wiccans realize that humans are a part of nature and strive to be one with nature. Wiccans view nature as reflecting the Divine as Deity is manifest in nature. We recognize that we are merely human and that we can't control the actions of everyone, but we do what we can on our part to help the environment. Partly because of this belief, many Wiccans and Witches who are vegetarian or vegan strive to reduce needless animal cruelty and slaughter by boycotting meat and dairy industries. However, there is no requirement in Wicca that an individual be vegetarian or vegan.

III. Freedom of Spiritual Choice
Wiccans believe that all human beings have the right to believe in what they want to. This belief goes against Christenings/Baptisms, Wiccanings (ones that claim a child as a Wicca), and the like. A simple prayer to or a blessing from the Goddess and God asking that they watch over the child is acceptable to this belief (in many cases, this is a Wiccaning). This belief is basically saying "live and let live to freely choose." Wiccans do not proselytize and have been known to frown down on those that do, particularly when that proselytizing promotes negativity such as guilt, undo judgment, hatred, anger, and the like. Wicca avoids repression. Individuals are encouraged to eat, drink, believe, read, wear, or say whatever they like. Wicca does not determine what constitutes as "bad behavior" as the consequences of individual actions will teach more than any holy script can on such things.

IV. Personal Responsibility
Wiccans believe that everyone is responsible for themselves. They do not blame some source for their actions. Nor do they blame others for their faults. Any choice that one makes, they are responsible for any consequences. While the Rede (see below) advises the individual to avoid causing harm, an individual is not bound to do so. However, the individual must realize his or her responsibility beforehand, and accept the consequences of his or her actions. In the same way that each individual is personally responsible for his or her actions, each individual is expected to contribute to the community (local in general or Pagan specifically) in some way. Knowledge is the most common way. Sharing what we know and how others can help themselves is one of the greatest contributions we can give to each other. Everyone has some knowledge that others lack, and Wiccans are expected to stand ready to share with those who will benefit from it.

V. The Wiccan Rede
"An it harm none, do as ye will!" Wiccans live by this guideline, though there are differences in interpretation. Ideally, this should be the only guideline for our actions as it can be applied to all aspects of nature. The carnivore may kill to eat, but never kills more than is necessary. While it is often confused as being a law or commandment, it is merely advice to aid in decision-making. Some also refer to it as a life goal. The Wiccan Rede should not be confused with the Wiccan Credo.

VI. Personal Development
Wiccans are responsible for learning and growing on whatever path they are following on their own. Wiccans must find what is right for them by themselves. They must take their lives into their own hands. While the aid of mentors and teachers is a great part of learning and growing, the individual must determine what he or she agrees with rather than blindly believing without second thought. Otherwise, the individual will stagnant rather than grow as necessary. Wiccans recognize that the only "right and true" path is the one that works best for the individual.

VII. Wiccans Are Each Their Own Priests or Priestesses
Wiccans do not need someone to contact the Goddess and God for them. Nor do they need someone to tell them what to believe. Wiccans see no reason to have a single person, or group of people, interpret the Goddess and God for them. The Gods reveal themselves in ways that will appeal to the individual. Everyone will view Them differently. While an individual may grow with the aid of a mentor or teacher, it is ultimately his or her own thinking and developing that determines his or her view. So long as an individual still maintains and believes the basics of Wicca to be true, they are considered Wiccan.

VIII. The Elements
Wiccans believe in five elements that basically make up everything. These are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha/Spirit. Some Wiccans feel that too much emphasis is placed on the Elements, seeing them not as entities but merely concepts to help us to understand the world around us. However, all agree that they are an important part of Wicca.

IX. The Sabbats
Wiccans believe in eight Sabbats or holidays. The Sabbats are solar-centered and show the relationship between the Goddess and God. The Sabbats observe the seasons of the year. They are called many different names, and may be celebrated on slightly different days. For more detailed information see the Sabbats page.

X. Cycles of the Moon
Wiccans observe the cycles of the moon just as they do with the seasons. Wiccans celebrate Esbats on full and new moons in honor of the Goddess. Small group/coven meetings are sometimes also referred to as Esbats, most likely due to the fact that covens generally hold meetings during the full and/or new moons. The cycles of the moon are an integral part of Wiccan understanding, not solely because of the moon's connections with the Goddess, but because as the cycle progresses and repeats itself, it is metaphorical to many of life's lessons.

XI. Magick
Wiccans believe in the use of personal energy to cause needed change. Magick is produced during rituals, spells, chants, blessings, and prayers. Magick has been defined several ways. Its format, structure, and methods are just as, if not more, varied. As with prayer, it has been proven (even if only on personal levels) to work. Some Wiccans will point out that spells are like fancy prayers. Others in the Wicca community will beg to differ. While spells certainly are not the same as prayers, effective prayer in which energy is raised and guided can be just as powerful as any spell.

XII. The Three-Fold Law and Law of Return
Wiccans believe that whatever is sent out will be returned times three. This is called the Three-Fold Law or the Law of Three. Seeing this as something like a scare tactic found in many religions, some Wiccans come to find that the Law of Return (reflects the scientifically accepted theory that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction") reflects nature more, and so do not fully agree with the Three-Fold Law.

XIII. Reincarnation
Wiccans believe that everyone goes through multiple lives, or incarnations, until we perfect our souls (by learning all of life's lessons). Some Wiccans believe we reincarnate only as humans; others beg to disagree. Some believe in the concept of karma, that how we live our present lives will determine how we begin our next. Others think that each life is a new beginning and how it starts depends on what lessons we chose to learn before reincarnating. There are many theories and views on reincarnation, its processes and purposes, in Wicca. Ultimately, Wiccans do not believe in sin or the idea that we will be punished through eternal damnation for mistakes made in life.

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